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Isabel Encinares

Twitter's New Full-Screen Ads, Fleets

On the first of June, Twitter announced that they had begun testing Fleet ads, which not only displays almost 30 second long 9:16 aspect ratio videos and images, but also prompts users to swipe up in order to take them to an external link.

As can be seen above, Fleet ads look fairly similar to Instagram Stories and are also set to appear in between the Fleets of other brands or accounts. As of now, Fleet ads are only visible to a small number of US mobile users.

Once Fleet ads are fully developed and released to the general public, Twitter has integrated a performance metrics feature that will allow those who have posted fleet ads to monitor the number of total views, number of 6 seconds views, starts, completes, and quartile reporting. Moreover, advertisers will only be charged if their video has been viewed for 6 seconds.

According to Twitter:

“As we experiment on this new surface for ads, we’ll take a close look at how vertical, full-screen ads perform on Twitter. We want to understand how this content performs for customers not just for Fleet ads, but for future iterations of full-screen formats on Twitter.”

As of now, we can't exactly be sure how many users have taken to using Fleets, but, based on Twitter’s statement, the company doesn't plan to stop at just Fleets but they plan to develop and integrate even more full screen features into the ever growing app.

Why could this new feature prove to be so important? Because this new ad format may allow Twitter to compete with TikTok and Instagram’s ad campaigns. Moreover, different platforms tend to appeal more to different age groups, meaning that Fleet ads may be able to help advertisers in reaching a specific audience that doesn't really gather on other platforms. Recently, the company also shared a few statistics that show the Fleet ads’ promise. According to their research, 3 out of 4 Fleet users say they like Fleet ads, and 73% of Fleet users say they browse what others share. While we currently have no clue when exactly the Fleet ads will be released everywhere, it’s clear that Fleet and other cool full-screen ad formats are coming. So it’s time to get everyone excited!

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