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YouTube Releases New 'Search Insights' Feature

MaryGrace Lerin

YouTube has recently released its new Search Insights tool, which will give all creators a variety of new data points to better adjust their YouTube strategy according to what people are searching for.

Last November, YouTube presented an overview of Search Insights, which feature data on what users are looking for in the app with relevance to your channel and content, as well as more common search terms.

As seen here, Search Insights, which can be found in the 'Analytics'>'Research' section of YouTube Studio on desktop, will deliver information on the most popular topics among your viewers, as well as the total search volume for each and the amount of traffic your channel has received as a result of each query.

A marker will also appear for 'Content Gap' inquiries, which are search keywords that don't provide a lot of results. The concept is that by displaying these inquiries, content producers will be able to focus on developing material that corresponds with searches that aren't presently being provided by the videos in the app, perhaps opening up new prospects for your works.

There's also a feature called 'Searches Across YouTube,' which will show you the top search queries for any phrase. For instance, you can type 'how to' as a search phrase to see what the most prevalent 'how to' queries are on the site.

This could be a highly useful tool for marketers, comparable to Google's Search Console and Google Trends, in that it gives you additional insight into what's influencing your YouTube channel traffic and how you can improve your content efforts to fit with these trends.

YouTube states that the data used to power its search trends information will initially only include search activity from users in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and India, with more locations to be added shortly.

Search Insights is now available on the desktop version of the YouTube Studio app. The full release is expected to be completed by the end of April, as per YouTube.

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