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YouTube Provides More Options to Reach People Viewing YouTube Content on Their Home TV Sets

Meerelle Cruz

With the introduction of Video Action campaigns to Connected TV (CTV) placements, YouTube hopes to assist marketers in capitalizing on the growing consumption of YouTube videos on home TV sets. They advocate employing Video Action campaigns if you want to increase online sales or generate leads. By combining inventory from across YouTube and Google video partners - and now YouTube CTV - Video Action campaigns make it simple to reach new customers in a single campaign. Performance advertisers may now use YouTube on CTV to drive and track conversions for the first time.

Video Action campaigns, as seen in the example above, display a URL at the bottom of the screen, prompting further action on the brand's website. Given that people can't click or tap on a URL link on their television, this is one of the finest ways to promote direct reaction - but it's not quite as direct as the word implies. While mobile video consumption continues to rise, CTV viewing has increased dramatically, as more consumers seek out internet material to watch on their television sets.

Big companies like Netflix and Disney+ exemplify the space, but more traditional web giants like YouTube are profiting as well, with YouTube reporting that over 120 million people watched YouTube or YouTube TV on their TV screens in December 2020 alone. With more YouTube videos being presented on larger TV screens, the company has been pushing to add more alternatives to let advertisers target this audience with standout, specialized CTV options.

YouTube now offers Masthead ads for CTV and has improved its ad targeting capabilities exclusively for CTV campaigns, as well as the extension of Video Action campaigns. It's a welcome development that will be beneficial to firms looking for classic TV-style ad placement. As the number of people watching CTV grows, TV-like advertising becomes more affordable, with better targeting and more specific audience options to better balance cost and maximize efficiency.

It's worth thinking about — you can learn more about YouTube's Video Action initiatives here.

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