Twitter Has Expanded the Birdwatch Program to More Users
Twitter's Birdwatch program is expanding to more users, and the tool has been updated with new improvements based on feedback from contributors, users, and academic researchers.

The program allows a group of users to provide context to Tweets that could contain misleading information; contributors can explain why they think a Tweet is misleading, add the correct information according to their knowledge and can also rate the quality of the notes.
The visibility of Birdwatch notes has been extended to a select group of randomized users who can see the notes directly on some Tweets and rate notes.
Before notes are visible, they must be rated by Birdwatch contributors from their notes history and how they have rated notes in the past.
According to Twitter, the following improvements have been made based on feedback:
* Improve how Birdwatch identifies notes that a diverse group of people find useful
* Do more to protect contributors and roll out auto-generated aliases to everyone in the pilot
* Help participants understand the impact of their Birdwatch contributions by notifying them if their notes are rated helpful or if notes they've rated have increased
* Encourage participants to include resources and clear explanations in their notes with in- app prompt reminders
* Improving the discoverability of notes that need a wider range of feedback by adding a personalized 'Need your help' tab for pilot participants