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Kristina Takakuwa

Tiktok as the new and most influential Platform!

Datas pushed most of the brands to invest in Tiktok because as per "influencer marketing platform Traackr" 50,000 beauty influencers, finds that Tiktok has seen a 164% increase in sponsored posts and a 481% increase in engagements in 2020. Instragram, Youtube, Tiktok and Facebook are known for paying beauty influencers but Tiktok is the only platform to have seen substantial growth in this area.

Mostly beauty influencers are in Tiktok to promote brands and this strategy is helping to pooled engagements. But, researched shows also that using # (hashtags) on Tiktok increased by 130% in 2020.

There are a lot of ways on how to do your campaign in Tiktok, it can be by collaborating with those influencers if you can’t afford to pay their Talent Fees. During this pandemic Tiktok ads packages are “extremely costly” so there are marketers who are really recommended to do a collaboration with the creators especially those small businesses or agencies.

Brands are switching their campaigns in Tiktok because in this platform there is a bigger chance to go viral and this will be a big advantage to them.

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