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Isabel Encinares

The Most In Demand Marketing Roles and Skills

Due to the global pandemic, the market has evolved and shifted in many different ways. The different top businesses, roles, and skills have all been shuffled and have all changed. However, according to LinkedIn’s data, marketing roles have been increasing in demand, even with the ongoing pandemic. “On LinkedIn, we’ve seen a 63% increase in marketing jobs over the past six months. In total, more than 380,000 marketing job listings were posted over the past year." In spite of all the challenges brought about by COVID-19, businesses still need to maximize exposure to consumers. Because of this, marketing, especially digital, has become in demand. Moreover, LinkedIn also notes that,

  • Over the past six months, it's seen a 24.5% increase in internship roles, and a 15% increase in contractor roles for marketing

  • Over 17,000 remote marketing jobs have been posted over the last year

  • Among the top skills in demand for marketers are Instagram (+72% YoY), content marketing (+63%), creative problem solving (+45%) and brand awareness (+41%)

The last point noted by LinkedIn is extremely important for digital marketers to note as, according to LinkedIn, one in every two of the top marketing jobs on LinkedIn are related to digital or media marketing. Check out LinkedIn’s infographic below for more!

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