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Snapchat Introduces 'My Places,' Emphasizing Local Businesses of Interest in The Snap Map

MaryGrace Lerin

With a new feature titled 'My Places' in Snap Map, Snapchat hopes to increase business discovery in the app. It will showcase famous businesses and places you've visited previously on the map display.

As seen here, My Places now allows you to find a variety of businesses on the map, with three separate categories: places popular with your Snap friends, places you've liked, and places you've visited before.

According to Snapchat:

"With My Places, Snapchatters can discover more than 30 million businesses, log their favourite local spots, and even find personalized recommendations informed by their friends and the global Snapchat community. Now, a quick pan around Snap Map not only helps Snapchatters stay in touch with the people they care about and keep up with global events, but also offers even more ways to help friends connect IRL."

Users may go to My Places by tapping the new 'Places' button at the bottom of the Snap Map, which opens a new My Places prompt.

The new listing display will appear at the bottom of the map screen, emphasizing prospective places of attraction.

You may get detailed information about any of the businesses listed by tapping on them.

This may be a useful improvement to the Snapchat user experience, as the map now shows not only what your friends are up to at any particular time, but also places located near where you can meet up, providing additional promotional opportunities for local businesses.

But, how can you get your business information included on Snap Map?

Preferably, your business will already be included in Snap's Map database, which is based on MapBox data and is constantly updated with the most recent regional developments. If your business isn't featured on the map, you can propose it be added using the Map or the Map settings.

You can also request an update through the Snap Map itself if your business is listed and you wish to make any modifications to the information presented.

It's important looking over what information is presented about your business to see if anything is outdated or wrong.

You may also launch a Promote Local Place campaign to promote your business on the Snap Map, and Snap is working on adding more integrations to the Map display so that customers can buy tickets and other items directly from these listings.

It may be a good idea to think about it, especially if you want to reach out to a younger audience. Snap claims to reach 90 percent of 13-24 year-olds in the United States, which is more than Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger combined.

It's worth noting and reviewing your Snap Map listings if that's your target demographic.

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