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Pinterest published a new guide to creating standout video content in Pins

This may be my favorite digital content overview of 2020 thus far.

This week, Pinterest has published a new guide to creating standout video content in Pins, which includes a range of tips and examples, and will definitely help to get you thinking about your visual presentation options.

The guide, which you can download here, provides an overview of 10 video techniques to consider, then digs into each with specific pointers on how to make them work.

For each one, Pinterest provides an explanation of the process, and why it's effective.

It also showcases examples of each in action, and provides links to even more examples from the guide page.

The majority of the examples included are also animated, giving you a true sense of how they work.

And they do, indeed, work. The techniques outlined here are definitely attention-grabbing, and you can see how they would help to generate more engagement and interaction on Pinterest, and even in other social feeds.

As you may have heard, video content generates more engagement than any other post type on social platforms, and even more so at present, amid the COVID-19 lockdowns. On Pinterest specifically, video views have increased more than 3x in 2020 over the same period in 2019, so if you haven't considered the potential of video in your marketing efforts, now is the time to give it a try.

And these techniques, as noted, will definitely get you thinking. They're not all simple, they may not be easy to re-create - and Pinterest points to its various video partners who can provide assistance in facilitating the more complex presentation options. But they may well be worth looking into.

You can read Pinterest's full overview and download the new video guide here.

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