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Ruth Raima Servida

Pinterest Introduces Shopping Tags in Idea Pins

The creative talent race among social media sites continues and Pinterest joins as they add new tools to help Pin creators monetize their on-platform presence, as well as enabling brands to promote their products via influencers better.

From the example above, Pinterest creators will now be able to tag specific items through the new shopping tags within their Idea Pin clips and will provide more means of direct connection and product promotion within the app. Very much interesting as it will save up time both for audiences and creators themselves as this will lessen the interaction of asking where to buy the items on the post or how much the items are, a worthy consideration.

"Pinners are 89% more likely to exhibit shopping intent on products tagged in Idea Pins than on standalone Product Pins." Pinterest's internal research said.

In addition to this new initiative, Pinterest also adds another tool, the "paid partnership" label to Idea Pins that will give more transparency to branded content deals on the platform.

As you can see in the image above, a disclosure down the bottom of the post beneath the username is noticeable which shows the name of the brand affiliated to the post. The tagging process via paid partnership will be available within the Idea Pin creation flow, with a new toggle to switch on when tagging a product.

"We know many Creators have established partnerships with brands and want to highlight their branded content across Pinterest. Today, we’re introducing in beta a new paid partnerships tool that allows Creators to disclose their paid partnerships. Creators who make branded content will be able to add the brands directly in their Idea Pins, and once the brand approves the tag, the Idea Pin will include a “paid partnership” label. This tool will make it even easier for Creators to disclose partnerships with brands and use their expertise to connect with Pinners authentically." Pinterest explained.

With more specific shopping focus on Pinterest that will likely lead to increased buying activity, creators might gain more incentives to build their presence on the platform. And if the revenue split works out well, one could actually make more money through Pin partnerships.

Overall, this is an interesting tool for powerful brand promotions, as well as a sustainable creator ecosystem in the app.

Idea Pin product tagging is now being launched to all business accounts across the US and UK from this week, while other regions will follow over the coming months. On the other hand, the paid partnerships tool is now live for selected creators in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Peru.

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