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LinkedIn's New ‘Funny’ Reaction Soon to Go Live

MaryGrace Lerin

Ever got used to reacting 'Haha' on other social media platforms? This reaction will soon cross borders with the approaching release of LinkedIn's new reaction - Funny'.

LinkedIn is seeking to increase its existing reactions set with a new 'Funny', laughing emoji, as seen in this image uploaded by app researcher Nima Owji, so you'll have another method to respond quickly to those funny masterpieces, such as...

Even so, it doesn't really appear to belong on LinkedIn. Moreover, many platform 'influencers' simply grab memes like these from other platforms and re-post them on LinkedIn, taking all the credit in the form of Likes and engagement.

Yet, a good chuckle and jokes are always welcome, and the 'laughing' reaction is among the most requested updates on LinkedIn.

Matter of fact, LinkedIn's Chief Product Officer Tomer Cohen stated in February, as part of an update on his team's efforts, that:

“One of the top requests we got was for a laughing emoji reaction. We hear you loud & clear and we agree. Humor is indeed a serious business.”

In the past, LinkedIn has added various emoji response options, such as the 'Support' reaction, which was introduced in June 2020 in response to pandemic-related messages. The next feature will be 'funny,' which, depending on user interest, might offer some value to the app.

LinkedIn hasn't said when its 'Funny' feature will be officially rolled out, and it hasn't been added to its Reactions Help page either (LinkedIn updates its Help pages before going live with new features).

However, it appears to be coming soon, as this structure and visual style appear to be nearly finished.

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