LinkedIn’s Insights On The Importance of Gender and Racial Diversity
Throughout the years, gender and racial equality and diversity have grown in importance, impacting a multitude of people, businesses, religions, and more. In relation to this, LinkedIn has released an infographic providing insights on the impact of racial and gender equality in the marketing field.
While the infographic mostly focuses on comparisons between men and women within the marketing industry, LinkedIn has noted that "Gender identity isn’t binary, and we recognize that some LinkedIn members identify beyond the traditional gender constructs of “male” and “female.” The data represented in the infographic has been based off of the pronouns of each individual. Moreover, in order to improve their data, LinkedIn is encouraging everyone to include their pronouns in their profiles.
Some of the most important data to note in this infographic:
Women make up 60% of the marketing world.
Marketing roles in Entertainment and Manufacturing have the lowest representation of females.
Female representation in managerial roles in Marketing is strong, with 59% in manager roles and 53% in a director role or higher.
Black women are severely underrepresented as of 100 men that advance to a managerial role, only 58 black women advance, in comparison to 80 white women and 72 overall women.
Highest representation of women is in social media related roles.
It is also interesting to note that this infographic is actually the fourth in LinkedIn’s ‘The Changing Marketing Jobs Landscape’ series, which you can check out in entirety, HERE.