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Meerelle Cruz

LinkedIn Releases Guide To Assist Technology Marketers In Improving Campaign Performance

LinkedIn has released a new guide for tech marketers on the platform, including several valuable points and data-driven insights that can be used for more than just tech campaigns and help other firms plan out a more robust LinkedIn strategy.

The 19-page 'How Technology Marketers Drive Leads on LinkedIn' guide may be downloaded, but we'll go through some of the highlights in this piece.

First and foremost, LinkedIn outlines the major phases involved in campaign planning.

As you can see, the checklist gives you a quick summary of all the essential features and considerations to help you get the most out of your LinkedIn campaign. In addition, the course offers more in-depth recommendations for each phase and notes on how to prepare using the different LinkedIn tools available to you.

There's some pretty good advice on these processes, as well as how LinkedIn's system works and how you can take advantage of it.

LinkedIn has also given campaign benchmark data, which is based on past tech initiatives, to indicate the types of results you may expect. Of course, there is much variation in these engagement rates, but, interestingly, LinkedIn has supplied this level of detail, which allows you to compare your campaign effectiveness to that of others.

It's a helpful guide with some intriguing components that will help you better grasp how LinkedIn advertisements work and how you can use each element to boost performance. This may also apply to people outside of the tech industry in many ways.

The guide 'How Technology Marketers Drive Leads on LinkedIn' may be downloaded here.

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