LinkedIn adds new company page roles to provide more management options
This will be helpful for LinkedIn managers - this week, LinkedIn has expanded the roll out of its new company page administrator roles, which provide more options for maintaining your business' on-platform presence.
As explained by LinkedIn:
"LinkedIn Pages offer Page Admin and Paid Media Admin roles to allow for tiered levels of management for all activities related to your Page. Page Admin and Paid Media Admin roles can be granted to members, associated employees, and advertisers."
The paid media roles are not new, but LinkedIn has added some new internal access tiers to provide more options for management. You can see how they appear in this screenshot, posted by Peter Aspengren:
The full listing of new LinkedIn company page roles are as follows:
Super Admin - This new option provides master access to every administrator permission, including adding and removing all admins on the Page, editing page information, and deactivating your company page. You can now make selected people, or a person, responsible for managing your broader company page management responsibilities, and limit overall access, reducing risk
Content Admin – This enables users to create and manage page content, including updates, events, stories jobs
Curator - Curators are able to recommend content for employees to post, with access to insights on performance
Analyst – This provides the capacity to monitor the page’s performance through analytics. LinkedIn notes that analysts will have limited access to the Page in third party tools and will only have access to the Analytics tab of a Page
In addition to these, LinkedIn is now also listing its 'Paid Media Admins' in a separate category, with three different options:
Sponsored Content Poster – This provides permission for the user to create Sponsored Content ads on behalf of an organization through that company's LinkedIn Ads Account. "This role doesn’t grant access to boosting organic updates directly on a Page"
Lead Gen Forms Manager – Users with this level of permission are able to download leads received from the Page which are connected to Lead Gen Forms created in ads accounts through Campaign Manager.
Pipeline Builder – This enables users to create and edit Pipeline Builder landing pages which are associated with your Page.
LinkedIn has provided a combination of these roles for some time, but the 'Content Admin', 'Curator' and 'Analyst' roles are new, and are only now being rolled out to selected Pages. The division of roles, between general admins and paid media, is also new, but the paid media role options have existed for some time for selected company pages.
That, as noted, will provide more capacity for managing your LinkedIn company page, with specific controls over who can do what, and more defined separation between top-level page managers and others.
It could help reduce missteps, while also enabling a broader spread of contributors. Not all company pages will be seeing the new options as yet, but LinkedIn is gradually rolling them out to more regions.