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Facebook's New Podcast Listening Tools to Be Launched Next Week

Ruth Raima Servida

As Podcast is a rising industry and actually caters a big audience especially these days it is no wonder that Facebook decides to venture on it as well.

Facebook is currently on the move to its Podcast/page interaction plan that will provide more ways for podcasters to promote their contents in the app by connecting their audio content directly to their Facebook accounts so that their audiences can listen to it easier. The Verge has reported that Facebook is now contacting selected Page owners for the new feature. The said Podcast feature will generate playable News Feed posts for all the podcast's episodes.

As seen in the photo example, the notification explains that users can listen to every episode directly on Facebook, via the new integration tools starting 22nd of June. The notifications also hints a new podcast tab on Pages, which isn't yet officially announced but would likely to come out soon too.

"Within the next few months, you’ll be able to listen to podcasts directly on the Facebook app - both while using the app or when the app is backgrounded. And because it’s still hard to discover podcasts you like, we will help you easily find new podcasts and episodes based on your interests, comment on them and recommend them to your friends." said Facebook back in April, when they first outlined the plans for podcast integration.

The podcast terms of service also includes a new audio clip option, allowing podcasters to create and share short clips of their contents. Every platform is now building more monetization options for their users, as well as helping creators in building stronger, bigger community. And this Facebook Podcast option could end up as big boost in listenership, especially for those who have engagements in Facebook community.

Do you see yourself now listening to your favorite podcast through Facebook?

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